Getting Started with Beer Money

If you are ready to be getting started with Beer money sites, I have some tips for you.

First of all, let me introduce you to the best resource for this: Reddit. is one of the best resources for what we’re doing here.

If you want to save a click, and a lot of searching – I have some tips from there, as well as my own personal experience.

Getting started with beer money

How much do beer money sites pay?

Get a new email address with Gmail as you are getting started with beer money signups. You may get a whole lot of spam – remember it doesn’t cost anything to get spam, it’s part of life – the more you engage on the internet the more spam you’ll get. Don’t expose your primary email to that.

Use a different web browser than you usually do. Most beer money sites want you to show all the ads – it’s part of how they make money (to give you) so prepare to use a browser WITHOUT ad blocking. If you use Chrome every day, try using Edge or Firefox. Don’t use Brave – it’s too secure (never thought I’d see myself saying that). Do your business on your main browser and keep all the beer money work on this other one with all the ad blocking off.

Don’t use a VPN – you might be thinking – ok but if I use a VPN I can protect myself a bit more. Yes you can – no doubt – but you may be disqualified for surveys if the information they see from your browser doesn’t match what you’re claiming about your location.

Pay Attention

Keep track of what works for you and what doesn’t. Some sites aren’t going to pay as well, some take longer to do things than others, and maybe just aren’t appealing. That’s ok – remember this is stuff to do in your spare time – it is not a job. Don’t treat it like one.

Consistency can pay off – many sites offer you the opportunity to level up by completing activities. These levels will kick you into higher earning tiers and even possible bonuses.

Survey Tips

Answering Surveys – Take your time, answer honestly, completely and consistently. The surveys are designed to catch you if you don’t read the questions thoroughly. They have internal rating systems for the quality of your responses. Consistently poor quality surveys will make it harder to get surveys in the future, or get blocked entirely.

Multiple Surveys? – You might notice you take a survey and it takes you right into another. There may be one or more profiling surveys to make sure you’re the right candidate for the main set of questions you’ll be asked.

Survey Disqualifications – I have found sometimes that I can get into a string of disqualifications with surveys which can be discouraging. Disqualifications may be for many reasons such as if you work in a certain industry, or otherwise don’t fit a target profile, or the quota for responses is met while you’re taking the survey. Disqualifications can also result from answering differently between a profile question and the survey question. Read the questions completely and answer consistently! We talk about your time investment and earnings and disqualifications can be a real bummer. You can avoid them by changing up the type of surveys you take and picking the…

Best days for Surveys – It’s fair to say that many people work or are busy during the week, and that means they’re not doing surveys. Also, during the week, many survey companies are putting out more surveys. These factors make it less likely you may be disqualified. If you are trying to reach weekly or daily goals and must do surveys on the weekend, keep track of the sites that have lower disqualification rates on weekends to get the best bang for your time.


Keep track of your earnings. On the plus side, keep track so you know what you’ve been saving up for – having fun. If you get on a particularly bad survey grind, it might be nice to know that you make $100 of beer money last month and encourage you to try one more for the win.

Pay attention to rewards. Some sites charge a fee to transfer your earnings to PayPal. See if they also charge for an Amazon card (especially if you like to shop there, OR know someone you might gift a card to). That may save you some money.

Speaking of saving, some beer money sites actually have discounts for some gift cards! So, you could get a $25 gift card from $23 of earnings.

Be aware of taxes. So if you make $600 a year from one beer money site, consider preparing for a 1099 from them. That may not be a big deal but if your tax situation is a tight, just be aware it could be a big deal. Most importantly that you report it to avoid the critical eye of the IRS looking at everything else!

Be careful. There are some pretty scammy beer money sites out there. I promise to only provide you the best ones which I myself trust. I have an identity and information to protect too, so I get it. Check back here for tips and ways to protect yourself.

Oh! And if you found a site you’re wondering about – let me know! I can give you the lowdown and perhaps save you some trouble. On the other hand if it’s a winner that I didn’t know about, I’d be happy to do a review!